Munchkin Cairn Terrier Pup  #2

Sex: Female

Color:  Red or Red Brindle

Born: October 10, 2020​​​​​​

On Hold for Family in Mount Gilead, NC
Munchkin Pup #2 Pictures taken on 10/24/2020
Munchkin Pup #2 Pictures taken on 10/31/2020
Munchkin Pup #2 Pictures taken on 11/08/2020
Munchkin Pup #2 Pictures taken on 11/14/2020
Munchkin Pup #2 Pictures taken on 11/21/2020
Munchkin Pup #2 Pictures taken on 11/30/2020
Munchkin Pup #2 Pictures taken on 12/05/2020
From Tillie's family 12/21/2020: Quote "Tillie is doing great. Had her second vet visit to vets today. Weighed 4.2 lbs. Beginning to let us know when she wants out. We are trying to stop her from bitting us. We offer her lots of different textures to chew.
She has stolen our hearts!" unquote